Wednesday, October 13, 2010

swine flu alert issued‎

Remember? They were guarding themselves against H1N1, or "swine flu," of course! Remember how you basically couldn't carry on a conversation with another human being without discussing "Swine Flu parties" and black market Tamiflu?
Not a whole lot of surgical masks.
1. There are enough vaccines this year. Last year, the H1N1 pandemic strain emerged too late to be included in the usual seasonal flu vaccine, requiring that a separate vaccine be created. This year, some 119 million doses of the seasonal flu vaccine (which protects against H1N1 and two other strains) have already been distributed. You can get your vaccine in a couple of different forms -- the nasal spray version called FluMist or LAIV, as well as the injected form. The CDC says that, this year, they're concerned with H3N2. The good news is that it's covered in this year's flu vaccine. Exhibit A: The CDC "What's New" H1N1 website has been "archived for historical purposes."
A swine flu reminder has been issued by health chiefs in West Yorkshire.
All pregnant women will be offered the seasonal flu vaccination for the first time this year.

Dr Andrew Furber, NHS Wakefield district's director of public health, added: "This year the vaccine will protect against the three types of flu expected to be the most common types going around, including the type known as 'swine flu.'

"It is important to remind those at risk to get their annual flu jab to protect them against all the three viruses.

"People should not underestimate the effects of seasonal flu. Pharmacists offering the seasonal flu vaccine include Asda in-store pharmacy – Asdale Road, Sandal, Wakefield; Asda in-store pharmacy – Leeds Road, Castleford; Tesco in-store pharmacy – Market Street, Hemsworth.

For more information, visit:

The traditional winter flu vaccine – normally available only to the over 65s – has this year been mixed with the swine flu vaccine to protect against the H1N1 virus.
NHS Camden’s director of public health Quentin Sandifer said pregnant women with swine flu would be at risk of “severe disease and flu-related hospital admissions”, adding: “This year, the swine flu virus will be one of the most common types of flu going around.

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